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     1	/*
     2	Copyright 2014 The Perkeep Authors.
     4	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6	You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8	     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12	WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14	limitations under the License.
    15	*/
    17	// Package serverconfig provides types related to the server configuration file.
    18	package serverconfig // import "perkeep.org/pkg/types/serverconfig"
    20	import (
    21		"encoding/json"
    22	)
    24	// Config holds the values from the JSON (high-level) server config
    25	// file that is exposed to users (and is by default at
    26	// osutil.UserServerConfigPath). From this simpler configuration, a
    27	// complete, low-level one, is generated by
    28	// serverinit.genLowLevelConfig, and used to configure the various
    29	// Perkeep components.
    30	type Config struct {
    31		Auth    string `json:"auth"`              // auth scheme and values (ex: userpass:foo:bar).
    32		BaseURL string `json:"baseURL,omitempty"` // Base URL the server advertises. For when behind a proxy.
    33		Listen  string `json:"listen"`            // address (of the form host|ip:port) on which the server will listen on.
    35		Identity           string `json:"identity"`           // GPG identity.
    36		IdentitySecretRing string `json:"identitySecretRing"` // path to the secret ring file.
    38		// alternative source tree, to override the embedded ui and/or closure resources.
    39		// If non empty, the ui files will be expected at
    40		// sourceRoot + "/server/perkeepd/ui" and the closure library at
    41		// sourceRoot + "/clients/web/embed/closure/lib"
    42		// Also used by the publish handler.
    43		SourceRoot string `json:"sourceRoot,omitempty"`
    45		// OwnerName is the full name of this Perkeep instance. Currently unused.
    46		OwnerName string `json:"ownerName,omitempty"`
    48		// Blob storage.
    49		MemoryStorage      bool   `json:"memoryStorage,omitempty"`      // do not store anything (blobs or queues) on localdisk, use memory instead.
    50		BlobPath           string `json:"blobPath,omitempty"`           // path to the directory containing the blobs.
    51		PackBlobs          bool   `json:"packBlobs,omitempty"`          // use "diskpacked" instead of the default filestorage. (exclusive with PackRelated)
    52		PackRelated        bool   `json:"packRelated,omitempty"`        // use "blobpacked" instead of the default storage (exclusive with PackBlobs)
    53		S3                 string `json:"s3,omitempty"`                 // Amazon S3 credentials: access_key_id:secret_access_key:bucket[/optional/dir][:hostname].
    54		B2                 string `json:"b2,omitempty"`                 // Backblaze B2 credentials: account_id:application_key:bucket[/optional/dir].
    55		GoogleCloudStorage string `json:"googlecloudstorage,omitempty"` // Google Cloud credentials: clientId:clientSecret:refreshToken:bucket[/optional/dir] or ":bucket[/optional/dir/]" for auto on GCE
    56		GoogleDrive        string `json:"googledrive,omitempty"`        // Google Drive credentials: clientId:clientSecret:refreshToken:parentId.
    57		ShareHandler       bool   `json:"shareHandler,omitempty"`       // enable the share handler. If true, and shareHandlerPath is empty then shareHandlerPath will default to "/share/" when generating the low-level config.
    58		ShareHandlerPath   string `json:"shareHandlerPath,omitempty"`   // URL prefix for the share handler. If set, overrides shareHandler.
    60		// HTTPS.
    61		HTTPS     bool   `json:"https,omitempty"`     // enable HTTPS.
    62		HTTPSCert string `json:"httpsCert,omitempty"` // path to the HTTPS certificate file.
    63		HTTPSKey  string `json:"httpsKey,omitempty"`  // path to the HTTPS key file.
    65		// Index.
    66		RunIndex          invertedBool `json:"runIndex,omitempty"`          // if logically false: no search, no UI, etc.
    67		CopyIndexToMemory invertedBool `json:"copyIndexToMemory,omitempty"` // copy disk-based index to memory on start-up.
    68		MemoryIndex       bool         `json:"memoryIndex,omitempty"`       // use memory-only indexer.
    70		// DBName is the optional name of the index database for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
    71		// If empty, DBUnique is used as part of the database name.
    72		DBName string `json:"dbname,omitempty"`
    74		// DBUnique optionally provides a unique value to differentiate databases on a
    75		// DBMS shared by multiple Perkeep instances. It should not contain spaces or
    76		// punctuation. If empty, Identity is used instead. If the latter is absent, the
    77		// current username (provided by the operating system) is used instead. For the
    78		// index database, DBName takes priority.
    79		DBUnique   string `json:"dbUnique,omitempty"`
    80		LevelDB    string `json:"levelDB,omitempty"`     // path to the levelDB directory, for indexing with github.com/syndtr/goleveldb.
    81		KVFile     string `json:"kvIndexFile,omitempty"` // path to the kv file, for indexing with modernc.org/kv.
    82		MySQL      string `json:"mysql,omitempty"`       // MySQL credentials (username@host:password), for indexing with MySQL.
    83		Mongo      string `json:"mongo,omitempty"`       // MongoDB credentials ([username:password@]host), for indexing with MongoDB.
    84		PostgreSQL string `json:"postgres,omitempty"`    // PostgreSQL credentials (username@host:password), for indexing with PostgreSQL.
    85		SQLite     string `json:"sqlite,omitempty"`      // path to the SQLite file, for indexing with SQLite.
    87		ReplicateTo []interface{} `json:"replicateTo,omitempty"` // NOOP for now.
    88		// Publish maps a URL prefix path used as a root for published paths (a.k.a. a camliRoot path), to the configuration of the publish handler that serves all the published paths under this root.
    89		Publish map[string]*Publish `json:"publish,omitempty"`
    90		ScanCab *ScanCab            `json:"scancab,omitempty"` // Scanning cabinet app configuration.
    92		// TODO(mpl): map of importers instead?
    93		Flickr     string `json:"flickr,omitempty"`     // flicker importer.
    94		Picasa     string `json:"picasa,omitempty"`     // picasa importer.
    95		Instapaper string `json:"instapaper,omitempty"` // instapaper importer.
    96	}
    98	// App holds the common configuration values for apps and the app handler.
    99	// See https://perkeep.org/doc/app-environment
   100	type App struct {
   101		// Listen is the address (of the form host|ip:port) on which the app
   102		// will listen. It defines CAMLI_APP_LISTEN.
   103		// If empty, the default is the concatenation of the Perkeep server's
   104		// Listen host part, and a random port.
   105		Listen string `json:"listen,omitempty"`
   107		// BackendURL is the URL of the application's process, always ending in a
   108		// trailing slash. It is the URL that the app handler will proxy to when
   109		// getting requests for the concerned app.
   110		// If empty, the default is the concatenation of the Perkeep server's BaseURL
   111		// scheme, the Perkeep server's BaseURL host part, and the port of Listen.
   112		BackendURL string `json:"backendURL,omitempty"`
   114		// APIHost is URL prefix of the Perkeep server which the app should
   115		// use to make API calls. It defines CAMLI_API_HOST.
   116		// If empty, the default is the Perkeep server's BaseURL, with a
   117		// trailing slash appended.
   118		APIHost string `json:"apiHost,omitempty"`
   120		// HTTPSCert is the path to the HTTPS certificate file. If not set, and
   121		// Perkeep is using HTTPS, the app should try to use Perkeep's Let's
   122		// Encrypt cache (assuming it runs on the same host).
   123		HTTPSCert string `json:"httpsCert,omitempty"`
   124		HTTPSKey  string `json:"httpsKey,omitempty"` // path to the HTTPS key file.
   125	}
   127	// Publish holds the server configuration values specific to a publisher, i.e. to a publish prefix.
   128	type Publish struct {
   129		// Program is the server app program to run as the publisher.
   130		// Defaults to "publisher".
   131		Program string `json:"program"`
   133		*App // Common apps and app handler configuration.
   135		// CamliRoot value that defines our root permanode for this
   136		// publisher. The root permanode is used as the root for all the
   137		// paths served by this publisher.
   138		CamliRoot string `json:"camliRoot"`
   140		// GoTemplate is the name of the Go template file used by this
   141		// publisher to represent the data. This file should live in
   142		// app/publisher/.
   143		GoTemplate string `json:"goTemplate"`
   145		// CacheRoot is the path that will be used as the root for the
   146		// caching blobserver (for images). No caching if empty.
   147		// An example value is Config.BlobPath + "/cache".
   148		CacheRoot string `json:"cacheRoot,omitempty"`
   150		// SourceRoot optionally defines the directory where to look for some resources
   151		// such as HTML templates, as well as javascript, and CSS files. The
   152		// default is to use the resources embedded in the publisher binary, found
   153		// in the publisher app source directory.
   154		SourceRoot string `json:"sourceRoot,omitempty"`
   155	}
   157	// ScanCab holds the server configuration values specific to a scanning cabinet
   158	// app. Please note that the scanning cabinet app is still experimental and is
   159	// subject to change.
   160	type ScanCab struct {
   161		// Program is the server app program to run as the scanning cabinet.
   162		// Defaults to "scanningcabinet".
   163		Program string `json:"program"`
   165		// Prefix is the URL path prefix where the scanning cabinet app handler is mounted
   166		// on Perkeep.
   167		// It always ends with a trailing slash. Examples: "/scancab/", "/scanning/".
   168		Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
   170		// TODO(mpl): maybe later move Auth to type App. For now just in ScanCab as
   171		// publisher does not support any auth. Should be trivial to add though.
   173		// Auth is the authentication scheme and values to access the app.
   174		// It defaults to the server config auth.
   175		// Common uses are HTTP basic auth: "userpass:foo:bar", or no authentication:
   176		// "none". See https://perkeep.org/pkg/auth for other schemes.
   177		Auth string `json:"auth"`
   179		// App is for the common apps and app handler configuration.
   180		*App
   181	}
   183	// invertedBool is a bool that marshals to and from JSON with the opposite of its in-memory value.
   184	type invertedBool bool
   186	func (ib invertedBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   187		return json.Marshal(!bool(ib))
   188	}
   190	func (ib *invertedBool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
   191		var bo bool
   192		if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &bo); err != nil {
   193			return err
   194		}
   195		*ib = invertedBool(!bo)
   196		return nil
   197	}
   199	// Get returns the logical value of ib.
   200	func (ib invertedBool) Get() bool {
   201		return !bool(ib)
   202	}
   204	// Owner holds the search handler's owner configuration.
   205	type Owner struct {
   206		// Identity is the GPG identifier of the user.
   207		// It should be 16-characters hex (e.g. "2931A67C26F5ABDA")
   208		Identity string `json:"identity"`
   209		// SecringFile is the go4.org/wkfs path to the GPG secret ring file.
   210		SecringFile string `json:"secring"`
   211	}
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