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import "perkeep/pkg/schema"

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Package schema manipulates Camlistore schema blobs.

A schema blob is a JSON-encoded blob that describes other blobs. See documentation in Perkeep's doc/schema/ directory.


func FileTime(f io.ReaderAt) (time.Time, error)
func IsInterestingTitle(title string) bool
func IsMissingField(err error) bool
func IsZoneKnown(t time.Time) bool
func LikelySchemaBlob(buf []byte) bool
func RFC3339FromTime(t time.Time) string
func WriteFileChunks(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, file *Builder, r io.Reader) error
func WriteFileFromReader(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, filename string, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error)
func WriteFileFromReaderWithModTime(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, filename string, modTime time.Time, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error)
func WriteFileMap(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, file *Builder, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error)
type AnyBlob
type Blob
    func BlobFromReader(ref blob.Ref, r io.Reader) (*Blob, error)
    func (b *Blob) AsClaim() (c Claim, ok bool)
    func (b *Blob) AsShare() (s Share, ok bool)
    func (b *Blob) AsStaticFile() (sf StaticFile, ok bool)
    func (b *Blob) Blob() *Blob
    func (b *Blob) BlobRef() blob.Ref
    func (b *Blob) Builder() *Builder
    func (b *Blob) ByteParts() []BytesPart
    func (b *Blob) ClaimDate() (time.Time, error)
    func (b *Blob) DirectoryEntries() (br blob.Ref, ok bool)
    func (b *Blob) FileMode() os.FileMode
    func (b *Blob) FileName() string
    func (b *Blob) JSON() string
    func (b *Blob) MapGid() int
    func (b *Blob) MapUid() int
    func (b *Blob) ModTime() time.Time
    func (b *Blob) NewDirReader(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher) (*DirReader, error)
    func (b *Blob) NewFileReader(fetcher blob.Fetcher) (*FileReader, error)
    func (b *Blob) PartsSize() int64
    func (b *Blob) ShareAuthType() string
    func (b *Blob) ShareTarget() blob.Ref
    func (b *Blob) StaticSetMembers() []blob.Ref
    func (b *Blob) StaticSetMergeSets() []blob.Ref
    func (b *Blob) Type() CamliType
type Buildable
type Builder
    func NewAddAttributeClaim(permaNode blob.Ref, attr, value string) *Builder
    func NewBuilder() *Builder
    func NewCommonFileMap(fileName string, fi os.FileInfo) *Builder
    func NewDelAttributeClaim(permaNode blob.Ref, attr, value string) *Builder
    func NewDeleteClaim(target blob.Ref) *Builder
    func NewDirMap(fileName string) *Builder
    func NewFileMap(fileName string) *Builder
    func NewHashPlannedPermanode(h hash.Hash) *Builder
    func NewPlannedPermanode(key string) *Builder
    func NewSetAttributeClaim(permaNode blob.Ref, attr, value string) *Builder
    func NewShareRef(authType string, transitive bool) *Builder
    func NewStaticSet() *Builder
    func NewUnsignedPermanode() *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) Blob() *Blob
    func (bb *Builder) Builder() *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) CapCreationTime() *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) ClaimType() ClaimType
    func (bb *Builder) IsClaimType() bool
    func (bb *Builder) JSON() (string, error)
    func (bb *Builder) ModTime() (t time.Time, ok bool)
    func (bb *Builder) PartsSize() int64
    func (bb *Builder) PopulateDirectoryMap(staticSetRef blob.Ref) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) PopulateParts(size int64, parts []BytesPart) error
    func (bb *Builder) SetClaimDate(t time.Time) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetFileName(name string) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetModTime(t time.Time) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetRawStringField(key, value string) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetShareExpiration(t time.Time) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetShareIsTransitive(b bool) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetShareSearch(q SearchQuery) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetShareTarget(t blob.Ref) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetSigner(signer blob.Ref) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetStaticSetMembers(members []blob.Ref) []*Blob
    func (bb *Builder) SetSymlinkTarget(target string) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) SetType(t CamliType) *Builder
    func (bb *Builder) Sign(ctx context.Context, signer *Signer) (string, error)
    func (bb *Builder) SignAt(ctx context.Context, signer *Signer, sigTime time.Time) (string, error)
    func (bb *Builder) Type() CamliType
type BytesPart
type CamliType
type Claim
    func (c Claim) Attribute() string
    func (c Claim) Blob() *Blob
    func (c Claim) ClaimDateString() string
    func (c Claim) ClaimType() string
    func (c Claim) ModifiedPermanode() blob.Ref
    func (c Claim) Signature() string
    func (c Claim) Signer() blob.Ref
    func (c Claim) Target() blob.Ref
    func (c Claim) Value() string
type ClaimType
type DirReader
    func NewDirReader(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher, dirBlobRef blob.Ref) (*DirReader, error)
    func (dr *DirReader) Readdir(ctx context.Context, n int) (entries []DirectoryEntry, err error)
    func (dr *DirReader) StaticSet(ctx context.Context) ([]blob.Ref, error)
type Directory
type DirectoryEntry
    func NewDirectoryEntryFromBlobRef(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher, blobRef blob.Ref) (DirectoryEntry, error)
type FIFO
type File
type FileReader
    func NewFileReader(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher, fileBlobRef blob.Ref) (*FileReader, error)
    func (fr *FileReader) Close() error
    func (fr *FileReader) FileMode() os.FileMode
    func (fr *FileReader) FileName() string
    func (fr *FileReader) ForeachChunk(ctx context.Context, fn func(schemaPath []blob.Ref, p BytesPart) error) error
    func (fr *FileReader) LoadAllChunks()
    func (fr *FileReader) ModTime() time.Time
    func (fr *FileReader) ReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)
    func (fr *FileReader) SchemaBlobRef() blob.Ref
    func (fr *FileReader) UnixMtime() time.Time
type MissingFieldError
    func (e MissingFieldError) Error() string
type SearchQuery
type Share
    func (s Share) AuthType() string
    func (s Share) IsExpired() bool
    func (s Share) IsTransitive() bool
type Signer
    func NewSigner(pubKeyRef blob.Ref, armoredPubKey io.Reader, privateKeySource interface{}) (*Signer, error)
    func (s *Signer) Entity() *openpgp.Entity
    func (s *Signer) KeyIDLong() string
    func (s *Signer) SignJSON(ctx context.Context, json string, t time.Time) (string, error)
    func (s *Signer) String() string
type Socket
type StatHasher
type StaticFIFO
type StaticFile
    func (sf StaticFile) AsStaticFIFO() (fifo StaticFIFO, ok bool)
    func (sf StaticFile) AsStaticSocket() (ss StaticSocket, ok bool)
    func (sf StaticFile) AsStaticSymlink() (s StaticSymlink, ok bool)
    func (sf StaticFile) FileName() string
type StaticSocket
type StaticSymlink
    func (sl StaticSymlink) SymlinkTargetString() string
type Symlink

Package files

blob.go dirreader.go filereader.go filewriter.go lookup.go schema.go schema_linux.go schema_posix.go sign.go


const MaxSchemaBlobSize = 1 << 20

MaxSchemaBlobSize represents the upper bound for how large a schema blob may be.

const ShareHaveRef = "haveref"

ShareHaveRef is the auth type specifying that if you "have the reference" (know the blobref to the haveref share blob), then you have access to the referenced object from that share blob. This is the "send a link to a friend" access model.


var DefaultStatHasher = &defaultStatHasher{}
var (
    ErrNoCamliVersion = errors.New("schema: no camliVersion key in map")
var UnknownLocation = time.FixedZone("Unknown", -60) // 1 minute west

UnknownLocation is a magic timezone value used when the actual location of a time is unknown. For instance, EXIF files commonly have a time without a corresponding location or timezone offset.

func FileTime

func FileTime(f io.ReaderAt) (time.Time, error)

FileTime returns the best guess of the file's creation time (or modtime). If the file doesn't have its own metadata indication the creation time (such as in EXIF), FileTime uses the modification time from the file system. It there was a valid EXIF but an error while trying to get a date from it, it logs the error and tries the other methods.

func IsInterestingTitle

func IsInterestingTitle(title string) bool

IsInterestingTitle returns whether title would be interesting information as a title for a permanode. For example, filenames automatically created by cameras, such as IMG_XXXX.JPG, do not add any interesting value.

func IsMissingField

func IsMissingField(err error) bool

IsMissingField returns whether error is of type MissingFieldError.

func IsZoneKnown

func IsZoneKnown(t time.Time) bool

IsZoneKnown reports whether t is in a known timezone. Perkeep uses the magic timezone offset of 1 minute west of UTC to mean that the timezone wasn't known.

func LikelySchemaBlob

func LikelySchemaBlob(buf []byte) bool

LikelySchemaBlob returns quickly whether buf likely contains (or is the prefix of) a schema blob.

func RFC3339FromTime

func RFC3339FromTime(t time.Time) string

RFC3339FromTime returns an RFC3339-formatted time.

If the timezone is known, the time will be converted to UTC and returned with a "Z" suffix. For unknown zones, the timezone will be "-00:01" (1 minute west of UTC).

Fractional seconds are only included if the time has fractional seconds.

func WriteFileChunks

func WriteFileChunks(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, file *Builder, r io.Reader) error

WriteFileChunks uploads chunks of r to bs while populating file. It does not upload file.

func WriteFileFromReader

func WriteFileFromReader(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, filename string, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error)

WriteFileFromReader creates and uploads a "file" JSON schema composed of chunks of r, also uploading the chunks. The returned BlobRef is of the JSON file schema blob. The filename is optional.

func WriteFileFromReaderWithModTime

func WriteFileFromReaderWithModTime(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, filename string, modTime time.Time, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error)

WriteFileFromReaderWithModTime creates and uploads a "file" JSON schema composed of chunks of r, also uploading the chunks. The returned BlobRef is of the JSON file schema blob. Both filename and modTime are optional.

func WriteFileMap

func WriteFileMap(ctx context.Context, bs blobserver.StatReceiver, file *Builder, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error)

WriteFileMap uploads chunks of r to bs while populating file and finally uploading file's Blob. The returned blobref is of file's JSON blob.

type AnyBlob

type AnyBlob interface {
    Blob() *Blob

AnyBlob represents any type of schema blob.

type Blob

type Blob struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A Blob represents a Perkeep schema blob. It is immutable.

func BlobFromReader

func BlobFromReader(ref blob.Ref, r io.Reader) (*Blob, error)

BlobFromReader returns a new Blob from the provided Reader r, which should be the body of the provided blobref. Note: the hash checksum is not verified.

func (*Blob) AsClaim

func (b *Blob) AsClaim() (c Claim, ok bool)

AsClaim returns a Claim if the receiver Blob has all the required fields.

func (*Blob) AsShare

func (b *Blob) AsShare() (s Share, ok bool)

AsShare returns a Share if the receiver Blob has all the required fields.

func (*Blob) AsStaticFile

func (b *Blob) AsStaticFile() (sf StaticFile, ok bool)

AsStaticFile returns the Blob as a StaticFile if it represents one. Otherwise, it returns false in the boolean parameter and the zero value of StaticFile.

func (*Blob) Blob

func (b *Blob) Blob() *Blob

Blob returns itself, so it satisfies the AnyBlob interface.

func (*Blob) BlobRef

func (b *Blob) BlobRef() blob.Ref

BlobRef returns the schema blob's blobref.

func (*Blob) Builder

func (b *Blob) Builder() *Builder

func (*Blob) ByteParts

func (b *Blob) ByteParts() []BytesPart

ByteParts returns the "parts" field. The caller owns the returned slice.

func (*Blob) ClaimDate

func (b *Blob) ClaimDate() (time.Time, error)

ClaimDate returns the "claimDate" field. If there is no claimDate, the error will be a MissingFieldError.

func (*Blob) DirectoryEntries

func (b *Blob) DirectoryEntries() (br blob.Ref, ok bool)

DirectoryEntries the "entries" field if valid and b's type is "directory".

func (*Blob) FileMode

func (b *Blob) FileMode() os.FileMode

func (*Blob) FileName

func (b *Blob) FileName() string

FileName returns the file, directory, or symlink's filename, or the empty string. TODO: move this off *Blob to a specialized type.

func (*Blob) JSON

func (b *Blob) JSON() string

JSON returns the JSON bytes of the schema blob.

func (*Blob) MapGid

func (b *Blob) MapGid() int

MapGid returns the most appropriate mapping from this file's group to the local machine's group, trying first a match by name, followed by just mapping the number through directly.

func (*Blob) MapUid

func (b *Blob) MapUid() int

MapUid returns the most appropriate mapping from this file's owner to the local machine's owner, trying first a match by name, followed by just mapping the number through directly.

func (*Blob) ModTime

func (b *Blob) ModTime() time.Time

ModTime returns the "unixMtime" field, or the zero time.

func (*Blob) NewDirReader

func (b *Blob) NewDirReader(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher) (*DirReader, error)

func (*Blob) NewFileReader

func (b *Blob) NewFileReader(fetcher blob.Fetcher) (*FileReader, error)

func (*Blob) PartsSize

func (b *Blob) PartsSize() int64

PartsSize returns the number of bytes represented by the "parts" field. TODO: move this off *Blob to a specialized type.

func (*Blob) ShareAuthType

func (b *Blob) ShareAuthType() string

func (*Blob) ShareTarget

func (b *Blob) ShareTarget() blob.Ref

func (*Blob) StaticSetMembers

func (b *Blob) StaticSetMembers() []blob.Ref

StaticSetMembers returns the refs in the "members" field if b is a valid "static-set" schema. Note that if it is a large static-set, the members are actually spread as subsets in "mergeSets". See StaticSetMergeSets.

func (*Blob) StaticSetMergeSets

func (b *Blob) StaticSetMergeSets() []blob.Ref

StaticSetMergeSets returns the refs of the static-sets in "mergeSets". These are the subsets of all the static-set members in the case of a large directory.

func (*Blob) Type

func (b *Blob) Type() CamliType

Type returns the blob's "camliType" field.

type Buildable

type Buildable interface {
    Builder() *Builder

Buildable returns a Builder from a base.

type Builder

type Builder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A Builder builds a JSON blob. After mutating the Builder, call Blob to get the built blob.

func NewAddAttributeClaim

func NewAddAttributeClaim(permaNode blob.Ref, attr, value string) *Builder

func NewBuilder

func NewBuilder() *Builder

NewBuilder returns a new blob schema builder. The "camliVersion" field is set to "1" by default and the required "camliType" field is NOT set.

func NewCommonFileMap

func NewCommonFileMap(fileName string, fi os.FileInfo) *Builder

func NewDelAttributeClaim

func NewDelAttributeClaim(permaNode blob.Ref, attr, value string) *Builder

NewDelAttributeClaim creates a new claim to remove value from the values set for the attribute attr of permaNode. If value is empty then all the values for attribute are cleared.

func NewDeleteClaim

func NewDeleteClaim(target blob.Ref) *Builder

NewDeleteClaim creates a new claim to delete a target claim or permanode.

func NewDirMap

func NewDirMap(fileName string) *Builder

NewDirMap returns a new builder of a type "directory" schema for the provided fileName.

func NewFileMap

func NewFileMap(fileName string) *Builder

NewFileMap returns a new builder of a type "file" schema for the provided fileName. The chunk parts of the file are not populated.

func NewHashPlannedPermanode

func NewHashPlannedPermanode(h hash.Hash) *Builder

NewHashPlannedPermanode returns a planned permanode with the sum of the hash, prefixed with "sha1-", as the key.

func NewPlannedPermanode

func NewPlannedPermanode(key string) *Builder

NewPlannedPermanode returns a permanode with a fixed key. Like NewUnsignedPermanode, this builder is also not yet signed. Callers of NewPlannedPermanode must sign the map with a fixed claimDate and GPG date to create consistent JSON encodings of the Map (its blobref), between runs.

func NewSetAttributeClaim

func NewSetAttributeClaim(permaNode blob.Ref, attr, value string) *Builder

func NewShareRef

func NewShareRef(authType string, transitive bool) *Builder

NewShareRef creates a *Builder for a "share" claim.

func NewStaticSet

func NewStaticSet() *Builder

NewStaticSet returns the "static-set" schema for a directory. Its members should be populated with SetStaticSetMembers.

func NewUnsignedPermanode

func NewUnsignedPermanode() *Builder

NewUnsignedPermanode returns a new random permanode, not yet signed.

func (*Builder) Blob

func (bb *Builder) Blob() *Blob

Blob builds the Blob. The builder continues to be usable after a call to Build.

func (*Builder) Builder

func (bb *Builder) Builder() *Builder

Builder returns a clone of itself and satisfies the Buildable interface.

func (*Builder) CapCreationTime

func (bb *Builder) CapCreationTime() *Builder

CapCreationTime caps the "unixCtime" field to be less or equal than "unixMtime"

func (*Builder) ClaimType

func (bb *Builder) ClaimType() ClaimType

ClaimType returns the claimType value, or the empty string.

func (*Builder) IsClaimType

func (bb *Builder) IsClaimType() bool

IsClaimType returns whether this blob builder is for a type which should be signed. (a "claim" or "permanode")

func (*Builder) JSON

func (bb *Builder) JSON() (string, error)

JSON returns the JSON of the blob as built so far.

func (*Builder) ModTime

func (bb *Builder) ModTime() (t time.Time, ok bool)

ModTime returns the "unixMtime" modtime field, if set.

func (*Builder) PartsSize

func (bb *Builder) PartsSize() int64

PartsSize returns the number of bytes represented by the "parts" field.

func (*Builder) PopulateDirectoryMap

func (bb *Builder) PopulateDirectoryMap(staticSetRef blob.Ref) *Builder

PopulateDirectoryMap sets the type of *Builder to "directory" and sets the "entries" field to the provided staticSet blobref.

func (*Builder) PopulateParts

func (bb *Builder) PopulateParts(size int64, parts []BytesPart) error

PopulateParts sets the "parts" field of the blob with the provided parts. The sum of the sizes of parts must match the provided size or an error is returned. Also, each BytesPart may only contain either a BytesPart or a BlobRef, but not both.

func (*Builder) SetClaimDate

func (bb *Builder) SetClaimDate(t time.Time) *Builder

SetClaimDate sets the "claimDate" on a claim. It is a fatal error to call SetClaimDate if the Map isn't of Type "claim".

func (*Builder) SetFileName

func (bb *Builder) SetFileName(name string) *Builder

SetFileName sets the fileName or fileNameBytes field. The filename is truncated to just the base.

func (*Builder) SetModTime

func (bb *Builder) SetModTime(t time.Time) *Builder

SetModTime sets the "unixMtime" field.

func (*Builder) SetRawStringField

func (bb *Builder) SetRawStringField(key, value string) *Builder

SetRawStringField sets a raw string field in the underlying map.

func (*Builder) SetShareExpiration

func (bb *Builder) SetShareExpiration(t time.Time) *Builder

SetShareExpiration sets the expiration time on share claim. It panics if bb isn't a "share" claim type. If t is zero, the expiration is removed.

func (*Builder) SetShareIsTransitive

func (bb *Builder) SetShareIsTransitive(b bool) *Builder

func (*Builder) SetShareSearch

func (bb *Builder) SetShareSearch(q SearchQuery) *Builder

SetShareSearch sets the search of share claim. q is assumed to be of type *search.SearchQuery. It panics if bb isn't a "share" claim type.

func (*Builder) SetShareTarget

func (bb *Builder) SetShareTarget(t blob.Ref) *Builder

SetShareTarget sets the target of share claim. It panics if bb isn't a "share" claim type.

func (*Builder) SetSigner

func (bb *Builder) SetSigner(signer blob.Ref) *Builder

SetSigner sets the camliSigner field. Calling SetSigner is unnecessary if using Sign.

func (*Builder) SetStaticSetMembers

func (bb *Builder) SetStaticSetMembers(members []blob.Ref) []*Blob

SetStaticSetMembers sets the given members as the static-set members of this builder. If the members are so numerous that they would not fit on a schema blob, they are spread (recursively, if needed) onto sub static-sets. In which case, these subsets are set as "mergeSets" of this builder. All the created subsets are returned, so the caller can upload them along with the top static-set created from this builder. SetStaticSetMembers panics if bb isn't a "static-set" claim type.

func (*Builder) SetSymlinkTarget

func (bb *Builder) SetSymlinkTarget(target string) *Builder

SetSymlinkTarget sets bb to be of type "symlink" and sets the symlink's target.

func (*Builder) SetType

func (bb *Builder) SetType(t CamliType) *Builder

SetType sets the camliType field.

func (*Builder) Sign

func (bb *Builder) Sign(ctx context.Context, signer *Signer) (string, error)

Sign sets the blob builder's camliSigner field with SetSigner and returns the signed JSON using the provided signer.

func (*Builder) SignAt

func (bb *Builder) SignAt(ctx context.Context, signer *Signer, sigTime time.Time) (string, error)

SignAt sets the blob builder's camliSigner field with SetSigner and returns the signed JSON using the provided signer. The provided sigTime is the time of the signature, used mostly for planned permanodes. If the zero value, the current time is used.

func (*Builder) Type

func (bb *Builder) Type() CamliType

Type returns the camliType value.

type BytesPart

type BytesPart struct {
    // Size is the number of bytes that this part contributes to the overall segment.
    Size uint64 `json:"size"`

    // At most one of BlobRef or BytesRef must be non-zero
    // (Valid), but it's illegal for both.
    // If neither are set, this BytesPart represents Size zero bytes.
    // BlobRef refers to raw bytes. BytesRef references a "bytes" schema blob.
    BlobRef  blob.Ref `json:"blobRef,omitempty"`
    BytesRef blob.Ref `json:"bytesRef,omitempty"`

    // Offset optionally specifies the offset into BlobRef to skip
    // when reading Size bytes.
    Offset uint64 `json:"offset,omitempty"`

BytesPart is the type representing one of the "parts" in a "file" or "bytes" JSON schema.

See doc/schema/bytes.txt and doc/schema/files/file.txt.

type CamliType

type CamliType string

CamliType is one of the valid "camliType" fields in a schema blob. See doc/schema.

const (
    TypeBytes     CamliType = "bytes"
    TypeClaim     CamliType = "claim"
    TypeDirectory CamliType = "directory"
    TypeFIFO      CamliType = "fifo"
    TypeFile      CamliType = "file"
    TypeInode     CamliType = "inode"
    TypeKeep      CamliType = "keep"
    TypePermanode CamliType = "permanode"
    TypeShare     CamliType = "share"
    TypeSocket    CamliType = "socket"
    TypeStaticSet CamliType = "static-set"
    TypeSymlink   CamliType = "symlink"

type Claim

type Claim struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A Claim is a Blob that is signed.

func (Claim) Attribute

func (c Claim) Attribute() string

Attribute returns the "attribute" field, if set.

func (Claim) Blob

func (c Claim) Blob() *Blob

Blob returns the claim's Blob.

func (Claim) ClaimDateString

func (c Claim) ClaimDateString() string

ClaimDateString returns the blob's "claimDate" field.

func (Claim) ClaimType

func (c Claim) ClaimType() string

ClaimType returns the blob's "claimType" field.

func (Claim) ModifiedPermanode

func (c Claim) ModifiedPermanode() blob.Ref

ModifiedPermanode returns the claim's "permaNode" field, if it's a claim that modifies a permanode. Otherwise a zero blob.Ref is returned.

func (Claim) Signature

func (c Claim) Signature() string

Signature returns the claim's signature.

func (Claim) Signer

func (c Claim) Signer() blob.Ref

Signer returns the ref of the blob containing the signing key that signed the claim.

func (Claim) Target

func (c Claim) Target() blob.Ref

Target returns the blob referenced by the Share if it's a ShareClaim claim, or the object being deleted if it's a DeleteClaim claim. Otherwise a zero blob.Ref is returned.

func (Claim) Value

func (c Claim) Value() string

Value returns the "value" field, if set.

type ClaimType

type ClaimType string

ClaimType is one of the valid "claimType" fields in a "claim" schema blob. See doc/schema/claims/.

const (
    SetAttributeClaim ClaimType = "set-attribute"
    AddAttributeClaim ClaimType = "add-attribute"
    DelAttributeClaim ClaimType = "del-attribute"
    ShareClaim        ClaimType = "share"
    // DeleteClaim deletes a permanode or another claim.
    // A delete claim can itself be deleted, and so on.
    DeleteClaim ClaimType = "delete"

type DirReader

type DirReader struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A DirReader reads the entries of a "directory" schema blob's referenced "static-set" blob.

func NewDirReader

func NewDirReader(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher, dirBlobRef blob.Ref) (*DirReader, error)

NewDirReader creates a new directory reader and prepares to fetch the static-set entries

func (*DirReader) Readdir

func (dr *DirReader) Readdir(ctx context.Context, n int) (entries []DirectoryEntry, err error)

Readdir implements the Directory interface.

func (*DirReader) StaticSet

func (dr *DirReader) StaticSet(ctx context.Context) ([]blob.Ref, error)

StaticSet returns the whole of the static set members of that directory

type Directory

type Directory interface {
    // Readdir reads the contents of the directory associated with dr
    // and returns an array of up to n DirectoryEntries structures.
    // Subsequent calls on the same file will yield further
    // DirectoryEntries.
    // If n > 0, Readdir returns at most n DirectoryEntry structures. In
    // this case, if Readdir returns an empty slice, it will return
    // a non-nil error explaining why. At the end of a directory,
    // the error is os.EOF.
    // If n <= 0, Readdir returns all the DirectoryEntries from the
    // directory in a single slice. In this case, if Readdir succeeds
    // (reads all the way to the end of the directory), it returns the
    // slice and a nil os.Error. If it encounters an error before the
    // end of the directory, Readdir returns the DirectoryEntry read
    // until that point and a non-nil error.
    Readdir(ctx context.Context, n int) ([]DirectoryEntry, error)

Directory is a read-only interface to a "directory" schema blob.

type DirectoryEntry

type DirectoryEntry interface {
    // CamliType returns the schema blob's "camliType" field.
    // This may be "file", "directory", "symlink", or other more
    // obscure types added in the future.
    CamliType() CamliType

    FileName() string
    BlobRef() blob.Ref

    File(ctx context.Context) (File, error)           // if camliType is "file"
    Directory(ctx context.Context) (Directory, error) // if camliType is "directory"
    Symlink() (Symlink, error)                        // if camliType is "symlink"
    FIFO() (FIFO, error)                              // if camliType is "fifo"
    Socket() (Socket, error)                          // If camliType is "socket"

DirectoryEntry is a read-only interface to an entry in a (static) directory.

func NewDirectoryEntryFromBlobRef

func NewDirectoryEntryFromBlobRef(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher, blobRef blob.Ref) (DirectoryEntry, error)

NewDirectoryEntryFromBlobRef takes a BlobRef and returns a

DirectoryEntry if the BlobRef contains a type "file", "directory",
"symlink", "fifo" or "socket".

TODO: ""char", "block", probably. later.

type FIFO

type FIFO interface {

FIFO is the read-only interface to a "fifo" schema blob.

type File

type File interface {
    Size() int64

File is the interface returned when opening a DirectoryEntry that is a regular file.

type FileReader

type FileReader struct {
    // Immutable stuff:
    *io.SectionReader // provides Read, Seek, and Size.
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A FileReader reads the bytes of "file" and "bytes" schema blobrefs.

func NewFileReader

func NewFileReader(ctx context.Context, fetcher blob.Fetcher, fileBlobRef blob.Ref) (*FileReader, error)

NewFileReader returns a new FileReader reading the contents of fileBlobRef, fetching blobs from fetcher. The fileBlobRef must be of a "bytes" or "file" schema blob.

The caller should call Close on the FileReader when done reading.

func (*FileReader) Close

func (fr *FileReader) Close() error

Close currently does nothing.

func (*FileReader) FileMode

func (fr *FileReader) FileMode() os.FileMode

func (*FileReader) FileName

func (fr *FileReader) FileName() string

FileName returns the file schema's filename, if any.

func (*FileReader) ForeachChunk

func (fr *FileReader) ForeachChunk(ctx context.Context, fn func(schemaPath []blob.Ref, p BytesPart) error) error

ForeachChunk calls fn for each chunk of fr, in order.

The schemaPath argument will be the path from the "file" or "bytes" schema blob down to possibly other "bytes" schema blobs, the final one of which references the given BytesPart. The BytesPart will be the actual chunk. The fn function will not be called with BytesParts referencing a "BytesRef"; those are followed recursively instead. The fn function must not retain or mutate schemaPath.

If fn returns an error, iteration stops and that error is returned from ForeachChunk. Other errors may be returned from ForeachChunk if schema blob fetches fail.

func (*FileReader) LoadAllChunks

func (fr *FileReader) LoadAllChunks()

LoadAllChunks starts a process of loading all chunks of this file as quickly as possible. The contents are immediately discarded, so it is assumed that the fetcher is a caching fetcher.

func (*FileReader) ModTime

func (fr *FileReader) ModTime() time.Time

func (*FileReader) ReadAt

func (fr *FileReader) ReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)

func (*FileReader) SchemaBlobRef

func (fr *FileReader) SchemaBlobRef() blob.Ref

func (*FileReader) UnixMtime

func (fr *FileReader) UnixMtime() time.Time

UnixMtime returns the file schema's UnixMtime field, or the zero value.

type MissingFieldError

type MissingFieldError string

A MissingFieldError represents a missing JSON field in a schema blob.

func (MissingFieldError) Error

func (e MissingFieldError) Error() string

type SearchQuery

type SearchQuery interface{}

A SearchQuery must be of type *search.SearchQuery. This type breaks an otherwise-circular dependency.

type Share

type Share struct {

A Share is a claim for giving access to a user's blob(s). When returned from (*Blob).AsShare, it always represents a valid share with all required fields.

func (Share) AuthType

func (s Share) AuthType() string

AuthType returns the AuthType of the Share.

func (Share) IsExpired

func (s Share) IsExpired() bool

IsExpired reports whether this share has expired.

func (Share) IsTransitive

func (s Share) IsTransitive() bool

IsTransitive returns whether the Share transitively gives access to everything reachable from the referenced blob.

type Signer

type Signer struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A Signer signs the JSON schema blobs that require signing, such as claims and permanodes.

func NewSigner

func NewSigner(pubKeyRef blob.Ref, armoredPubKey io.Reader, privateKeySource interface{}) (*Signer, error)

NewSigner returns an Signer given an armored public key's blobref, its armored content, and its associated private key entity. The privateKeySource must be either an *openpgp.Entity or a string filename to a secret key.

func (*Signer) Entity

func (s *Signer) Entity() *openpgp.Entity

Entity returns the signer's entity, which includes its public and private keys.

func (*Signer) KeyIDLong

func (s *Signer) KeyIDLong() string

KeyIDLong returns the long (16 digit) capital hex GPG key ID.

func (*Signer) SignJSON

func (s *Signer) SignJSON(ctx context.Context, json string, t time.Time) (string, error)

SignJSON signs the provided json at the optional time t. If t is the zero Time, the current time is used.

func (*Signer) String

func (s *Signer) String() string

type Socket

type Socket interface {

Socket is the read-only interface to a "socket" schema blob.

type StatHasher

type StatHasher interface {
    Lstat(fileName string) (os.FileInfo, error)
    Hash(fileName string) (blob.Ref, error)

type StaticFIFO

type StaticFIFO struct {

A StaticFIFO is a StaticFile that is also a fifo.

type StaticFile

type StaticFile struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A StaticFile is a Blob representing a file, symlink fifo or socket (or device file, when support for these is added).

func (StaticFile) AsStaticFIFO

func (sf StaticFile) AsStaticFIFO() (fifo StaticFIFO, ok bool)

AsStaticFIFO returns the StatifFile as a StaticFIFO if the StaticFile represents a fifo. Otherwise, it returns the zero value of StaticFIFO and false.

func (StaticFile) AsStaticSocket

func (sf StaticFile) AsStaticSocket() (ss StaticSocket, ok bool)

AsStaticSocket returns the StaticFile as a StaticSocket if the StaticFile represents a socket. Otherwise, it returns the zero value of StaticSocket and false.

func (sf StaticFile) AsStaticSymlink() (s StaticSymlink, ok bool)

AsStaticSymlink returns the StaticFile as a StaticSymlink if the StaticFile represents a symlink. Otherwise, it returns the zero value of StaticSymlink and false.

func (StaticFile) FileName

func (sf StaticFile) FileName() string

FileName returns the StaticFile's FileName if is not the empty string, otherwise it returns its FileNameBytes concatenated into a string.

type StaticSocket

type StaticSocket struct {

A StaticSocket is a StaticFile that is also a socket.

type StaticSymlink struct {
    // We name it `StaticSymlink' rather than just `Symlink' since
    // a type called Symlink is already in schema.go.

A StaticSymlink is a StaticFile that is also a symbolic link.

func (StaticSymlink) SymlinkTargetString

func (sl StaticSymlink) SymlinkTargetString() string

SymlinkTargetString returns the field symlinkTarget if is non-empty. Otherwise it returns the contents of symlinkTargetBytes concatenated as a string.

type Symlink interface {


Name      Synopsis
nodeattr      Package nodeattr contains constants for permanode attribute names.
Website layout inspired by memcached.
Content by the authors.