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     1	/*
     2	Copyright 2014 The Perkeep Authors.
     4	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6	You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8	     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12	WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14	limitations under the License.
    15	*/
    17	// Package app helps with configuring and starting server applications
    18	// from Perkeep.
    19	// See also https://perkeep.org/doc/app-environment for the related
    20	// variables.
    21	package app // import "perkeep.org/pkg/server/app"
    23	import (
    24		"context"
    25		"errors"
    26		"fmt"
    27		"log"
    28		"net/http"
    29		"net/http/httputil"
    30		"net/url"
    31		"os"
    32		"os/exec"
    33		"path/filepath"
    34		"strconv"
    35		"strings"
    36		"sync"
    37		"time"
    39		camhttputil "perkeep.org/internal/httputil"
    40		"perkeep.org/internal/netutil"
    41		"perkeep.org/pkg/auth"
    42		"perkeep.org/pkg/blob"
    43		"perkeep.org/pkg/blobserver"
    44		"perkeep.org/pkg/search"
    46		"go4.org/jsonconfig"
    47	)
    49	// Handler acts as a reverse proxy for a server application started by
    50	// Perkeep. It can also serve some extra JSON configuration to the app.
    51	// In addition, the handler can be used as a limited search handler proxy.
    52	type Handler struct {
    53		name    string            // Name of the app's program.
    54		envVars map[string]string // Variables set in the app's process environment. See doc/app-environment.txt.
    56		auth      auth.AuthMode   // Used for basic HTTP authenticating against the app requests.
    57		appConfig jsonconfig.Obj  // Additional parameters the app can request, or nil.
    58		sh        *search.Handler // or nil, if !hasSearch.
    60		masterQueryMu sync.RWMutex // guards two following fields
    61		// masterQuery is the search query that defines domainBlobs. If nil, no
    62		// search query is accepted by the search handler.
    63		masterQuery *search.SearchQuery
    64		// domainBlobs is the set of blobs allowed for search queries. If a
    65		// search query response includes at least one blob that is not in
    66		// domainBlobs, the query is rejected.
    67		domainBlobs        map[blob.Ref]bool
    68		domainBlobsRefresh time.Time // last time the domainBlobs were refreshed
    70		// Prefix is the URL path prefix where the app handler is mounted on
    71		// Perkeep, stripped of its trailing slash. Examples:
    72		// "/pics", "/blog".
    73		prefix             string
    74		proxy              *httputil.ReverseProxy // For redirecting requests to the app.
    75		backendURL         string                 // URL that we proxy to (i.e. base URL of the app).
    76		configURLPath      string                 // URL path for serving appConfig
    77		masterqueryURLPath string                 // URL path for setting the master query
    79		process *os.Process // The app's Pid. To send it signals on restart, etc.
    80	}
    82	func (a *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    83		if r.URL.Path == a.masterqueryURLPath {
    84			a.handleMasterQuery(w, r)
    85			return
    86		}
    87		if a.configURLPath != "" && r.URL.Path == a.configURLPath {
    88			if a.auth.AllowedAccess(r)&auth.OpGet == auth.OpGet {
    89				camhttputil.ReturnJSON(w, a.appConfig)
    90			} else {
    91				auth.SendUnauthorized(w, r)
    92			}
    93			return
    94		}
    95		trimmedPath := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, a.prefix)
    96		if strings.HasPrefix(trimmedPath, "/search") {
    97			a.handleSearch(w, r)
    98			return
    99		}
   101		if a.proxy == nil {
   102			http.Error(w, "no proxy for the app", 500)
   103			return
   104		}
   105		a.proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
   106	}
   108	// handleMasterQuery allows an app to register the master query that defines the
   109	// domain limiting all subsequent search queries.
   110	func (a *Handler) handleMasterQuery(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   111		if !(a.auth.AllowedAccess(r)&auth.OpAll == auth.OpAll) {
   112			auth.SendUnauthorized(w, r)
   113			return
   114		}
   115		if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
   116			http.Error(w, "not a POST", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
   117			return
   118		}
   119		if a.sh == nil {
   120			http.Error(w, "app proxy has no search handler", 500)
   121			return
   122		}
   123		if refresh, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("refresh")); refresh {
   124			if err := a.refreshDomainBlobs(); err != nil {
   125				if err == errRefreshSuppress {
   126					http.Error(w, "too many refresh requests", http.StatusTooManyRequests)
   127				} else {
   128					http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), 500)
   129				}
   130				return
   131			}
   132			w.Write([]byte("OK"))
   133			return
   134		}
   135		sq := new(search.SearchQuery)
   136		if err := sq.FromHTTP(r); err != nil {
   137			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("error reading master query: %v", err), 500)
   138			return
   139		}
   140		var masterQuery search.SearchQuery = *(sq)
   141		masterQuery.Describe = masterQuery.Describe.Clone()
   142		sr, err := a.sh.Query(r.Context(), sq)
   143		if err != nil {
   144			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("error running master query: %v", err), 500)
   145			return
   146		}
   147		a.masterQueryMu.Lock()
   148		defer a.masterQueryMu.Unlock()
   149		a.masterQuery = &masterQuery
   150		a.domainBlobs = make(map[blob.Ref]bool, len(sr.Describe.Meta))
   151		for _, v := range sr.Describe.Meta {
   152			a.domainBlobs[v.BlobRef] = true
   153		}
   154		a.domainBlobsRefresh = time.Now()
   155		w.Write([]byte("OK"))
   156	}
   158	var errRefreshSuppress = errors.New("refresh request suppressed")
   160	func (a *Handler) refreshDomainBlobs() error {
   161		a.masterQueryMu.Lock()
   162		defer a.masterQueryMu.Unlock()
   163		if time.Now().Before(a.domainBlobsRefresh.Add(time.Minute)) {
   164			// suppress refresh request to no more than once per minute
   165			return errRefreshSuppress
   166		}
   167		if a.masterQuery == nil {
   168			return errors.New("no master query")
   169		}
   170		var sq search.SearchQuery = *(a.masterQuery)
   171		sq.Describe = sq.Describe.Clone()
   172		sr, err := a.sh.Query(context.TODO(), &sq)
   173		if err != nil {
   174			return fmt.Errorf("error running master query: %v", err)
   175		}
   176		a.domainBlobs = make(map[blob.Ref]bool, len(sr.Describe.Meta))
   177		for _, v := range sr.Describe.Meta {
   178			a.domainBlobs[v.BlobRef] = true
   179		}
   180		a.domainBlobsRefresh = time.Now()
   181		return nil
   182	}
   184	// handleSearch runs the requested search query against the search handler, and
   185	// if the results are within the domain allowed by the master query, forwards them
   186	// back to the client.
   187	func (a *Handler) handleSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   188		if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
   189			camhttputil.BadRequestError(w, camhttputil.InvalidMethodError{}.Error())
   190			return
   191		}
   192		if a.sh == nil {
   193			http.Error(w, "app proxy has no search handler", 500)
   194			return
   195		}
   196		a.masterQueryMu.RLock()
   197		if a.masterQuery == nil {
   198			http.Error(w, "search is not allowed", http.StatusForbidden)
   199			a.masterQueryMu.RUnlock()
   200			return
   201		}
   202		a.masterQueryMu.RUnlock()
   203		var sq search.SearchQuery
   204		if err := sq.FromHTTP(r); err != nil {
   205			camhttputil.ServeJSONError(w, err)
   206			return
   207		}
   208		sr, err := a.sh.Query(r.Context(), &sq)
   209		if err != nil {
   210			camhttputil.ServeJSONError(w, err)
   211			return
   212		}
   213		// check this search is in the allowed domain
   214		if !a.allowProxySearchResponse(sr) {
   215			// there's a chance our domainBlobs cache is expired so let's
   216			// refresh it and retry, but no more than once per minute.
   217			if err := a.refreshDomainBlobs(); err != nil {
   218				http.Error(w, "search scope is forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
   219				return
   220			}
   221			if !a.allowProxySearchResponse(sr) {
   222				http.Error(w, "search scope is forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
   223				return
   224			}
   225		}
   226		camhttputil.ReturnJSON(w, sr)
   227	}
   229	// allowProxySearchResponse checks whether the blobs in sr are within the domain
   230	// defined by the masterQuery, and hence if the client is allowed to get that
   231	// response.
   232	func (a *Handler) allowProxySearchResponse(sr *search.SearchResult) bool {
   233		a.masterQueryMu.RLock()
   234		defer a.masterQueryMu.RUnlock()
   235		for _, v := range sr.Blobs {
   236			if _, ok := a.domainBlobs[v.Blob]; !ok {
   237				return false
   238			}
   239		}
   240		return true
   241	}
   243	// randListen returns the concatenation of the host part of listenAddr with a random port.
   244	func randListen(listenAddr string) (string, error) {
   245		return randListenFn(listenAddr, netutil.RandPort)
   246	}
   248	// randListenFn only exists to allow testing of randListen, by letting the caller
   249	// replace randPort with a func that actually has a predictable result.
   250	func randListenFn(listenAddr string, randPortFn func() (int, error)) (string, error) {
   251		portIdx := strings.LastIndex(listenAddr, ":") + 1
   252		if portIdx <= 0 || portIdx >= len(listenAddr) {
   253			return "", errors.New("invalid listen addr, no port found")
   254		}
   255		port, err := randPortFn()
   256		if err != nil {
   257			return "", err
   258		}
   259		return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", listenAddr[:portIdx], port), nil
   260	}
   262	var portMap = map[string]string{
   263		"http":  "80",
   264		"https": "443",
   265	}
   267	// baseURL returns the concatenation of the scheme and host parts of
   268	// serverBaseURL with the port of listenAddr.
   269	func baseURL(serverBaseURL, listenAddr string) (string, error) {
   270		backendURL, err := url.Parse(serverBaseURL)
   271		if err != nil {
   272			return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid baseURL %q: %v", serverBaseURL, err)
   273		}
   274		scheme := backendURL.Scheme
   275		host := backendURL.Host
   276		if netutil.HasPort(host) {
   277			host = host[:strings.LastIndex(host, ":")]
   278		}
   279		port := portMap[scheme]
   280		if netutil.HasPort(listenAddr) {
   281			port = listenAddr[strings.LastIndex(listenAddr, ":")+1:]
   282		}
   283		return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s/", scheme, host, port), nil
   284	}
   286	// TODO(mpl): some way to avoid the redundancy with serverconfig.App would be
   287	// nice. But at least HandlerConfig and its doc is cleaner than having to document a
   288	// jsonconfig.Obj.
   290	// HandlerConfig holds the configuration for an app Handler. See
   291	// https://perkeep.org/doc/app-environment for the corresponding environment
   292	// variables. If developing an app, see FromJSONConfig and NewHandler for details
   293	// on where defaults are applied.
   294	type HandlerConfig struct {
   295		// Program is the file name of the server app's program executable. Either
   296		// an absolute path, or the name of a file located in CAMLI_APP_BINDIR or in PATH.
   297		Program string `json:"program"`
   299		// Prefix is the URL path prefix on APIHost where the app handler is mounted.
   300		// It always ends with a trailing slash. Examples: "/pics/", "/blog/".
   301		// Defaults to the Perkeep URL path prefix for this app handler.
   302		Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty"`
   304		// Listen is the address (of the form host|ip:port) on which the app
   305		// will listen. It defines CAMLI_APP_LISTEN.
   306		// If empty, the default is the concatenation of ServerListen's host
   307		// part and a random port.
   308		Listen string `json:"listen,omitempty"`
   310		// ServerListen is the Perkeep server's listen address. Defaults to
   311		// the ServerBaseURL host part.
   312		ServerListen string `json:"serverListen,omitempty"`
   314		// BackendURL is the URL of the application's process, always ending in a
   315		// trailing slash. It is the URL that the app handler will proxy to when
   316		// getting requests for the concerned app.
   317		// If empty, the default is the concatenation of the ServerBaseURL
   318		// scheme, the ServerBaseURL host part, and the port of Listen.
   319		BackendURL string `json:"backendURL,omitempty"`
   321		// ServerBaseURL is the Perkeep server's BaseURL. Defaults to the
   322		// BaseURL value in the Perkeep server configuration.
   323		ServerBaseURL string `json:"serverBaseURL,omitempty"`
   325		// APIHost is the URL of the Perkeep server which the app should
   326		// use to make API calls. It always ends in a trailing slash. It defines CAMLI_API_HOST.
   327		// If empty, the default is ServerBaseURL, with a trailing slash appended.
   328		APIHost string `json:"apiHost,omitempty"`
   330		// AppConfig contains some additional configuration specific to each app.
   331		// See CAMLI_APP_CONFIG_URL.
   332		AppConfig jsonconfig.Obj
   333	}
   335	// FromJSONConfig creates an HandlerConfig from the contents of config.
   336	// prefix and serverBaseURL are used if not found in config.
   337	func FromJSONConfig(config jsonconfig.Obj, prefix, serverBaseURL string) (HandlerConfig, error) {
   338		hc := HandlerConfig{
   339			Program:       config.RequiredString("program"),
   340			Prefix:        config.OptionalString("prefix", prefix),
   341			BackendURL:    config.OptionalString("backendURL", ""),
   342			Listen:        config.OptionalString("listen", ""),
   343			APIHost:       config.OptionalString("apiHost", ""),
   344			ServerListen:  config.OptionalString("serverListen", ""),
   345			ServerBaseURL: config.OptionalString("serverBaseURL", serverBaseURL),
   346			AppConfig:     config.OptionalObject("appConfig"),
   347		}
   348		if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
   349			return HandlerConfig{}, err
   350		}
   351		return hc, nil
   352	}
   354	// NewHandler creates a new handler from the given HandlerConfig. Two exceptions
   355	// apply to the HandlerConfig documentation: NewHandler does not create default
   356	// values for Prefix and ServerBaseURL. Prefix should be provided, and
   357	// ServerBaseURL might be needed, depending on the other fields.
   358	func NewHandler(cfg HandlerConfig) (*Handler, error) {
   359		if cfg.Program == "" {
   360			return nil, fmt.Errorf("app: could not initialize Handler: empty Program")
   361		}
   362		name := cfg.Program
   364		if cfg.Prefix == "" {
   365			return nil, fmt.Errorf("app: could not initialize Handler for %q: empty Prefix", name)
   366		}
   368		listen, backendURL, apiHost := cfg.Listen, cfg.BackendURL, cfg.APIHost
   369		var err error
   370		if listen == "" {
   371			serverListen := cfg.ServerListen
   372			if serverListen == "" {
   373				if cfg.ServerBaseURL == "" {
   374					return nil, fmt.Errorf(`app: could not initialize Handler for %q: "Listen", "ServerListen" and "ServerBaseURL" all undefined`, name)
   375				}
   376				parsedUrl, err := url.Parse(cfg.ServerBaseURL)
   377				if err != nil {
   378					return nil, fmt.Errorf("app: could not initialize Handler for %q: unparseable ServerBaseURL %q: %v", name, cfg.ServerBaseURL, err)
   379				}
   380				serverListen = parsedUrl.Host
   381			}
   382			listen, err = randListen(serverListen)
   383			if err != nil {
   384				return nil, err
   385			}
   386		}
   387		if backendURL == "" {
   388			if cfg.ServerBaseURL == "" {
   389				return nil, fmt.Errorf(`app: could not initialize Handler for %q: neither "BackendURL" or "ServerBaseURL" defined`, name)
   390			}
   391			backendURL, err = baseURL(cfg.ServerBaseURL, listen)
   392			if err != nil {
   393				return nil, err
   394			}
   395		}
   396		if apiHost == "" {
   397			if cfg.ServerBaseURL == "" {
   398				return nil, fmt.Errorf(`app: could not initialize Handler for %q: neither "APIHost" or "ServerBaseURL" defined`, name)
   399			}
   400			apiHost = cfg.ServerBaseURL + "/"
   401		}
   403		proxyURL, err := url.Parse(backendURL)
   404		if err != nil {
   405			return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse backendURL %q: %v", backendURL, err)
   406		}
   408		username, password := auth.RandToken(20), auth.RandToken(20)
   409		camliAuth := username + ":" + password
   410		basicAuth := auth.NewBasicAuth(username, password)
   411		envVars := map[string]string{
   412			"CAMLI_API_HOST":   apiHost,
   413			"CAMLI_AUTH":       camliAuth,
   414			"CAMLI_APP_LISTEN": listen,
   415		}
   416		var configURLPath string
   417		if cfg.AppConfig != nil {
   418			configURLPath = cfg.Prefix + "config.json"
   419			envVars["CAMLI_APP_CONFIG_URL"] = apiHost + strings.TrimPrefix(configURLPath, "/")
   420		}
   421		masterqueryURLPath := cfg.Prefix + "masterquery"
   422		envVars["CAMLI_APP_MASTERQUERY_URL"] = apiHost + strings.TrimPrefix(masterqueryURLPath, "/")
   424		return &Handler{
   425			name:               name,
   426			envVars:            envVars,
   427			auth:               basicAuth,
   428			appConfig:          cfg.AppConfig,
   429			prefix:             strings.TrimSuffix(cfg.Prefix, "/"),
   430			proxy:              httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(proxyURL),
   431			backendURL:         backendURL,
   432			configURLPath:      configURLPath,
   433			masterqueryURLPath: masterqueryURLPath,
   434		}, nil
   435	}
   437	// InitHandler sets the app handler's search handler, if the app handler was configured
   438	// to have one with HasSearch.
   439	func (a *Handler) InitHandler(hl blobserver.FindHandlerByTyper) error {
   440		apName := a.ProgramName()
   441		searchPrefix, _, err := hl.FindHandlerByType("search")
   442		if err != nil {
   443			return fmt.Errorf("No search handler configured, which is necessary for the %v app handler", apName)
   444		}
   445		var sh *search.Handler
   446		_, hi := hl.AllHandlers()
   447		h, ok := hi[searchPrefix]
   448		if !ok {
   449			return fmt.Errorf("failed to find the \"search\" handler for %v", apName)
   450		}
   451		sh = h.(*search.Handler)
   452		a.sh = sh
   453		return nil
   454	}
   456	func (a *Handler) Start() error {
   457		name := a.name
   458		if name == "" {
   459			return fmt.Errorf("invalid app name: %q", name)
   460		}
   461		var binPath string
   462		var err error
   463		if e := os.Getenv("CAMLI_APP_BINDIR"); e != "" {
   464			binPath, err = exec.LookPath(filepath.Join(e, name))
   465			if err != nil {
   466				log.Printf("%q executable not found in %q", name, e)
   467			}
   468		}
   469		if binPath == "" || err != nil {
   470			binPath, err = exec.LookPath(name)
   471			if err != nil {
   472				return fmt.Errorf("%q executable not found in PATH", name)
   473			}
   474		}
   476		cmd := exec.Command(binPath)
   477		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
   478		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
   479		// TODO(mpl): extract Env methods from dev/devcam/env.go to a util pkg and use them here.
   480		newVars := make(map[string]string, len(a.envVars))
   481		for k, v := range a.envVars {
   482			newVars[k+"="] = v
   483		}
   484		env := os.Environ()
   485		for pos, oldkv := range env {
   486			for k, newVal := range newVars {
   487				if strings.HasPrefix(oldkv, k) {
   488					env[pos] = k + newVal
   489					delete(newVars, k)
   490					break
   491				}
   492			}
   493		}
   494		for k, v := range newVars {
   495			env = append(env, k+v)
   496		}
   497		cmd.Env = env
   498		if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
   499			return fmt.Errorf("could not start app %v: %v", name, err)
   500		}
   501		a.process = cmd.Process
   502		return nil
   503	}
   505	// ProgramName returns the name of the app's binary. It may be a file name in
   506	// CAMLI_APP_BINDIR or PATH, or an absolute path.
   507	func (a *Handler) ProgramName() string {
   508		return a.name
   509	}
   511	// AuthMode returns the app handler's auth mode, which is also the auth that the
   512	// app's client will be configured with. This mode should be registered with
   513	// the server's auth modes, for the app to have access to the server's resources.
   514	func (a *Handler) AuthMode() auth.AuthMode {
   515		return a.auth
   516	}
   518	// AppConfig returns the optional configuration parameters object that the app
   519	// can request from the app handler. It can be nil.
   520	func (a *Handler) AppConfig() map[string]interface{} {
   521		return a.appConfig
   522	}
   524	// BackendURL returns the appBackendURL that the app handler will proxy to.
   525	func (a *Handler) BackendURL() string {
   526		return a.backendURL
   527	}
   529	var errProcessTookTooLong = errors.New("process took too long to quit")
   531	// Quit sends the app's process a SIGINT, and waits up to 5 seconds for it
   532	// to exit, returning an error if it doesn't.
   533	func (a *Handler) Quit() error {
   534		err := a.process.Signal(os.Interrupt)
   535		if err != nil {
   536			return err
   537		}
   539		c := make(chan error)
   540		go func() {
   541			_, err := a.process.Wait()
   542			c <- err
   543		}()
   544		select {
   545		case err = <-c:
   546		case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
   547			// TODO Do we want to SIGKILL here or just leave the app alone?
   548			err = errProcessTookTooLong
   549		}
   550		return err
   551	}
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