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     1	/*
     2	Copyright 2013 The Perkeep Authors.
     4	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6	You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8	     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12	WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14	limitations under the License.
    15	*/
    17	package server
    19	import (
    20		"bytes"
    21		"errors"
    22		"fmt"
    23		"io"
    24		"log"
    25		"net/http"
    26		"strconv"
    27		"strings"
    28		"time"
    30		"go4.org/jsonconfig"
    31		"perkeep.org/internal/httputil"
    32		"perkeep.org/pkg/auth"
    33		"perkeep.org/pkg/blob"
    34		"perkeep.org/pkg/blobserver"
    35		"perkeep.org/pkg/blobserver/gethandler"
    36		"perkeep.org/pkg/index"
    37		"perkeep.org/pkg/schema"
    38	)
    40	type responseType int
    42	const (
    43		badRequest          responseType = 400
    44		unauthorizedRequest responseType = 401
    45	)
    47	type errorCode int
    49	const (
    50		noError errorCode = iota
    51		assembleNonTransitive
    52		invalidMethod
    53		invalidURL
    54		invalidVia
    55		shareBlobInvalid
    56		shareBlobTooLarge
    57		shareExpired
    58		shareDeleted
    59		shareFetchFailed
    60		shareReadFailed
    61		shareTargetInvalid
    62		shareNotTransitive
    63		viaChainFetchFailed
    64		viaChainInvalidLink
    65		viaChainReadFailed
    66	)
    68	var errorCodeStr = [...]string{
    69		noError:               "noError",
    70		assembleNonTransitive: "assembleNonTransitive",
    71		invalidMethod:         "invalidMethod",
    72		invalidURL:            "invalidURL",
    73		invalidVia:            "invalidVia",
    74		shareBlobInvalid:      "shareBlobInvalid",
    75		shareBlobTooLarge:     "shareBlobTooLarge",
    76		shareExpired:          "shareExpired",
    77		shareDeleted:          "shareDeleted",
    78		shareFetchFailed:      "shareFetchFailed",
    79		shareReadFailed:       "shareReadFailed",
    80		shareTargetInvalid:    "shareTargetInvalid",
    81		shareNotTransitive:    "shareNotTransitive",
    82		viaChainFetchFailed:   "viaChainFetchFailed",
    83		viaChainInvalidLink:   "viaChainInvalidLink",
    84		viaChainReadFailed:    "viaChainReadFailed",
    85	}
    87	func (ec errorCode) String() string {
    88		if ec < 0 || int(ec) >= len(errorCodeStr) || errorCodeStr[ec] == "" {
    89			return fmt.Sprintf("ErrCode#%d", int(ec))
    90		}
    91		return errorCodeStr[ec]
    92	}
    94	type shareError struct {
    95		code     errorCode
    96		response responseType
    97		message  string
    98	}
   100	func (e *shareError) Error() string {
   101		return fmt.Sprintf("share: %v (code=%v, type=%v)", e.message, e.code, e.response)
   102	}
   104	func unauthorized(code errorCode, format string, args ...interface{}) *shareError {
   105		return &shareError{
   106			code: code, response: unauthorizedRequest, message: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...),
   107		}
   108	}
   110	const fetchFailureDelay = 200 * time.Millisecond
   112	// ShareHandler handles the requests for "share" (and shared) blobs.
   113	type shareHandler struct {
   114		fetcher blob.Fetcher
   115		idx     *index.Index // for knowledge about share claim deletions
   116		log     bool
   117	}
   119	func init() {
   120		blobserver.RegisterHandlerConstructor("share", newShareFromConfig)
   121	}
   123	func newShareFromConfig(ld blobserver.Loader, conf jsonconfig.Obj) (http.Handler, error) {
   124		blobRoot := conf.RequiredString("blobRoot")
   125		if blobRoot == "" {
   126			return nil, errors.New("No blobRoot defined for share handler")
   127		}
   128		indexPrefix := conf.RequiredString("index")
   129		if err := conf.Validate(); err != nil {
   130			return nil, err
   131		}
   133		bs, err := ld.GetStorage(blobRoot)
   134		if err != nil {
   135			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get share handler's storage at %q: %v", blobRoot, err)
   136		}
   137		fetcher, ok := bs.(blob.Fetcher)
   138		if !ok {
   139			return nil, errors.New("share handler's storage not a Fetcher")
   140		}
   142		// Should we use the search handler instead (and add a method to access
   143		// its index.IsDeleted method)? I think it's ok to use the index Handler
   144		// directly, as long as we lock properly.
   145		indexHandler, err := ld.GetHandler(indexPrefix)
   146		if err != nil {
   147			return nil, fmt.Errorf("share handler config references unknown handler %q", indexPrefix)
   148		}
   149		indexer, ok := indexHandler.(*index.Index)
   150		if !ok {
   151			return nil, fmt.Errorf("share handler config references invalid indexer %q (actually a %T)", indexPrefix, indexHandler)
   152		}
   154		sh := &shareHandler{
   155			fetcher: fetcher,
   156			idx:     indexer,
   157			log:     true,
   158		}
   159		return sh, nil
   160	}
   162	var timeSleep = time.Sleep // for tests
   164	// Unauthenticated user.  Be paranoid.
   165	func (h *shareHandler) handleGetViaSharing(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request,
   166		blobRef blob.Ref) error {
   167		ctx := req.Context()
   168		if !httputil.IsGet(req) {
   169			return &shareError{code: invalidMethod, response: badRequest, message: "Invalid method"}
   170		}
   172		rw.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
   174		viaPathOkay := false
   175		startTime := time.Now()
   176		defer func() {
   177			if !viaPathOkay {
   178				// Insert a delay, to hide timing attacks probing
   179				// for the existence of blobs.
   180				sleep := fetchFailureDelay - time.Since(startTime)
   181				timeSleep(sleep)
   182			}
   183		}()
   184		viaBlobs := make([]blob.Ref, 0)
   185		if via := req.FormValue("via"); via != "" {
   186			for _, vs := range strings.Split(via, ",") {
   187				if br, ok := blob.Parse(vs); ok {
   188					viaBlobs = append(viaBlobs, br)
   189				} else {
   190					return &shareError{code: invalidVia, response: badRequest, message: "Malformed blobref in via param"}
   191				}
   192			}
   193		}
   195		fetchChain := make([]blob.Ref, 0)
   196		fetchChain = append(fetchChain, viaBlobs...)
   197		fetchChain = append(fetchChain, blobRef)
   198		isTransitive := false
   199		for i, br := range fetchChain {
   200			switch i {
   201			case 0:
   202				if h.idx != nil {
   203					h.idx.RLock()
   204					isDeleted := h.idx.IsDeleted(br)
   205					h.idx.RUnlock()
   206					if isDeleted {
   207						return unauthorized(shareDeleted, "Share was deleted")
   208					}
   209				}
   210				file, size, err := h.fetcher.Fetch(ctx, br)
   211				if err != nil {
   212					return unauthorized(shareFetchFailed, "Fetch chain 0 of %s failed: %v", br, err)
   213				}
   214				defer file.Close()
   215				if size > schema.MaxSchemaBlobSize {
   216					return unauthorized(shareBlobTooLarge, "Fetch chain 0 of %s too large", br)
   217				}
   218				blob, err := schema.BlobFromReader(br, file)
   219				if err != nil {
   220					return unauthorized(shareReadFailed, "Can't create a blob from %v: %v", br, err)
   221				}
   222				share, ok := blob.AsShare()
   223				if !ok {
   224					return unauthorized(shareBlobInvalid, "Fetch chain 0 of %s wasn't a valid Share (is %q)", br, blob.Type())
   225				}
   226				if share.IsExpired() {
   227					return unauthorized(shareExpired, "Share is expired")
   228				}
   229				if len(fetchChain) > 1 && fetchChain[1].String() != share.Target().String() {
   230					return unauthorized(shareTargetInvalid,
   231						"Fetch chain 0->1 (%s -> %q) unauthorized, expected hop to %q",
   232						br, fetchChain[1], share.Target())
   233				}
   234				isTransitive = share.IsTransitive()
   235				if len(fetchChain) > 2 && !isTransitive {
   236					return unauthorized(shareNotTransitive, "Share is not transitive")
   237				}
   238			case len(fetchChain) - 1:
   239				// Last one is fine (as long as its path up to here has been proven, and it's
   240				// not the first thing in the chain)
   241				continue
   242			default:
   243				rc, _, err := h.fetcher.Fetch(ctx, br)
   244				if err != nil {
   245					return unauthorized(viaChainFetchFailed, "Fetch chain %d of %s failed: %v", i, br, err)
   246				}
   247				defer rc.Close()
   248				lr := io.LimitReader(rc, schema.MaxSchemaBlobSize)
   249				slurpBytes, err := io.ReadAll(lr)
   250				if err != nil {
   251					return unauthorized(viaChainReadFailed,
   252						"Fetch chain %d of %s failed in slurp: %v", i, br, err)
   253				}
   254				sought := fetchChain[i+1]
   255				if !bytesHaveSchemaLink(br, slurpBytes, sought) {
   256					return unauthorized(viaChainInvalidLink,
   257						"Fetch chain %d of %s failed; no reference to %s", i, br, sought)
   258				}
   259			}
   260		}
   262		if assemble, _ := strconv.ParseBool(req.FormValue("assemble")); assemble {
   263			if !isTransitive {
   264				return unauthorized(assembleNonTransitive, "Cannot assemble non-transitive share")
   265			}
   266			dh := &DownloadHandler{
   267				Fetcher:     h.fetcher,
   268				forceInline: true,
   269				// TODO(aa): It would be nice to specify a local cache here, as the UI handler does.
   270			}
   271			dh.ServeFile(rw, req, blobRef)
   272		} else {
   273			gethandler.ServeBlobRef(rw, req, blobRef, h.fetcher)
   274		}
   275		viaPathOkay = true
   276		return nil
   277	}
   279	func (h *shareHandler) serveHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
   280		var err error
   281		pathSuffix := httputil.PathSuffix(req)
   282		if len(pathSuffix) == 0 {
   283			// This happens during testing because we don't go through PrefixHandler
   284			pathSuffix = strings.TrimLeft(req.URL.Path, "/")
   285		}
   286		pathParts := strings.SplitN(pathSuffix, "/", 2)
   287		blobRef, ok := blob.Parse(pathParts[0])
   288		if !ok {
   289			err = &shareError{code: invalidURL, response: badRequest,
   290				message: fmt.Sprintf("Malformed share pathSuffix: %s", pathSuffix)}
   291		} else {
   292			err = h.handleGetViaSharing(rw, req, blobRef)
   293		}
   294		if se, ok := err.(*shareError); ok {
   295			switch se.response {
   296			case badRequest:
   297				httputil.BadRequestError(rw, err.Error())
   298			case unauthorizedRequest:
   299				if h.log {
   300					log.Print(err)
   301				}
   302				auth.SendUnauthorized(rw, req)
   303			}
   304		}
   305		return err
   306	}
   308	func (h *shareHandler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
   309		h.serveHTTP(rw, req)
   310	}
   312	// bytesHaveSchemaLink reports whether bb is a valid Perkeep schema
   313	// blob and has target somewhere in a schema field used to represent a
   314	// Merkle-tree-ish file or directory.
   315	func bytesHaveSchemaLink(br blob.Ref, bb []byte, target blob.Ref) bool {
   316		// Fast path for no:
   317		if !bytes.Contains(bb, []byte(target.String())) {
   318			return false
   319		}
   320		b, err := schema.BlobFromReader(br, bytes.NewReader(bb))
   321		if err != nil {
   322			return false
   323		}
   324		typ := b.Type()
   325		switch typ {
   326		case schema.TypeFile, schema.TypeBytes:
   327			for _, bp := range b.ByteParts() {
   328				if bp.BlobRef.Valid() {
   329					if bp.BlobRef == target {
   330						return true
   331					}
   332				}
   333				if bp.BytesRef.Valid() {
   334					if bp.BytesRef == target {
   335						return true
   336					}
   337				}
   338			}
   339		case schema.TypeDirectory:
   340			if d, ok := b.DirectoryEntries(); ok {
   341				return d == target
   342			}
   343		case schema.TypeStaticSet:
   344			for _, m := range b.StaticSetMembers() {
   345				if m == target {
   346					return true
   347				}
   348			}
   349		}
   350		return false
   351	}
Website layout inspired by memcached.
Content by the authors.