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import "perkeep/pkg/types/serverconfig"

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Package serverconfig provides types related to the server configuration file.


type App
type Config
type Owner
type Publish
type ScanCab

Package files


type App

type App struct {
    // Listen is the address (of the form host|ip:port) on which the app
    // will listen. It defines CAMLI_APP_LISTEN.
    // If empty, the default is the concatenation of the Perkeep server's
    // Listen host part, and a random port.
    Listen string `json:"listen,omitempty"`

    // BackendURL is the URL of the application's process, always ending in a
    // trailing slash. It is the URL that the app handler will proxy to when
    // getting requests for the concerned app.
    // If empty, the default is the concatenation of the Perkeep server's BaseURL
    // scheme, the Perkeep server's BaseURL host part, and the port of Listen.
    BackendURL string `json:"backendURL,omitempty"`

    // APIHost is URL prefix of the Perkeep server which the app should
    // use to make API calls. It defines CAMLI_API_HOST.
    // If empty, the default is the Perkeep server's BaseURL, with a
    // trailing slash appended.
    APIHost string `json:"apiHost,omitempty"`

    // HTTPSCert is the path to the HTTPS certificate file. If not set, and
    // Perkeep is using HTTPS, the app should try to use Perkeep's Let's
    // Encrypt cache (assuming it runs on the same host).
    HTTPSCert string `json:"httpsCert,omitempty"`
    HTTPSKey  string `json:"httpsKey,omitempty"` // path to the HTTPS key file.

App holds the common configuration values for apps and the app handler. See https://perkeep.org/doc/app-environment

type Config

type Config struct {
    Auth    string `json:"auth"`              // auth scheme and values (ex: userpass:foo:bar).
    BaseURL string `json:"baseURL,omitempty"` // Base URL the server advertises. For when behind a proxy.
    Listen  string `json:"listen"`            // address (of the form host|ip:port) on which the server will listen on.

    Identity           string `json:"identity"`           // GPG identity.
    IdentitySecretRing string `json:"identitySecretRing"` // path to the secret ring file.

    // alternative source tree, to override the embedded ui and/or closure resources.
    // If non empty, the ui files will be expected at
    // sourceRoot + "/server/perkeepd/ui" and the closure library at
    // sourceRoot + "/clients/web/embed/closure/lib"
    // Also used by the publish handler.
    SourceRoot string `json:"sourceRoot,omitempty"`

    // OwnerName is the full name of this Perkeep instance. Currently unused.
    OwnerName string `json:"ownerName,omitempty"`

    // Blob storage.
    MemoryStorage      bool   `json:"memoryStorage,omitempty"`      // do not store anything (blobs or queues) on localdisk, use memory instead.
    BlobPath           string `json:"blobPath,omitempty"`           // path to the directory containing the blobs.
    PackBlobs          bool   `json:"packBlobs,omitempty"`          // use "diskpacked" instead of the default filestorage. (exclusive with PackRelated)
    PackRelated        bool   `json:"packRelated,omitempty"`        // use "blobpacked" instead of the default storage (exclusive with PackBlobs)
    S3                 string `json:"s3,omitempty"`                 // Amazon S3 credentials: access_key_id:secret_access_key:bucket[/optional/dir][:hostname].
    B2                 string `json:"b2,omitempty"`                 // Backblaze B2 credentials: account_id:application_key:bucket[/optional/dir].
    GoogleCloudStorage string `json:"googlecloudstorage,omitempty"` // Google Cloud credentials: clientId:clientSecret:refreshToken:bucket[/optional/dir] or ":bucket[/optional/dir/]" for auto on GCE
    GoogleDrive        string `json:"googledrive,omitempty"`        // Google Drive credentials: clientId:clientSecret:refreshToken:parentId.
    ShareHandler       bool   `json:"shareHandler,omitempty"`       // enable the share handler. If true, and shareHandlerPath is empty then shareHandlerPath will default to "/share/" when generating the low-level config.
    ShareHandlerPath   string `json:"shareHandlerPath,omitempty"`   // URL prefix for the share handler. If set, overrides shareHandler.

    // HTTPS.
    HTTPS     bool   `json:"https,omitempty"`     // enable HTTPS.
    HTTPSCert string `json:"httpsCert,omitempty"` // path to the HTTPS certificate file.
    HTTPSKey  string `json:"httpsKey,omitempty"`  // path to the HTTPS key file.

    // Index.
    RunIndex          invertedBool `json:"runIndex,omitempty"`          // if logically false: no search, no UI, etc.
    CopyIndexToMemory invertedBool `json:"copyIndexToMemory,omitempty"` // copy disk-based index to memory on start-up.
    MemoryIndex       bool         `json:"memoryIndex,omitempty"`       // use memory-only indexer.

    // DBName is the optional name of the index database for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
    // If empty, DBUnique is used as part of the database name.
    DBName string `json:"dbname,omitempty"`

    // DBUnique optionally provides a unique value to differentiate databases on a
    // DBMS shared by multiple Perkeep instances. It should not contain spaces or
    // punctuation. If empty, Identity is used instead. If the latter is absent, the
    // current username (provided by the operating system) is used instead. For the
    // index database, DBName takes priority.
    DBUnique   string `json:"dbUnique,omitempty"`
    LevelDB    string `json:"levelDB,omitempty"`     // path to the levelDB directory, for indexing with github.com/syndtr/goleveldb.
    KVFile     string `json:"kvIndexFile,omitempty"` // path to the kv file, for indexing with modernc.org/kv.
    MySQL      string `json:"mysql,omitempty"`       // MySQL credentials (username@host:password), for indexing with MySQL.
    Mongo      string `json:"mongo,omitempty"`       // MongoDB credentials ([username:password@]host), for indexing with MongoDB.
    PostgreSQL string `json:"postgres,omitempty"`    // PostgreSQL credentials (username@host:password), for indexing with PostgreSQL.
    SQLite     string `json:"sqlite,omitempty"`      // path to the SQLite file, for indexing with SQLite.

    ReplicateTo []interface{} `json:"replicateTo,omitempty"` // NOOP for now.
    // Publish maps a URL prefix path used as a root for published paths (a.k.a. a camliRoot path), to the configuration of the publish handler that serves all the published paths under this root.
    Publish map[string]*Publish `json:"publish,omitempty"`
    ScanCab *ScanCab            `json:"scancab,omitempty"` // Scanning cabinet app configuration.

    // TODO(mpl): map of importers instead?
    Flickr     string `json:"flickr,omitempty"`     // flicker importer.
    Picasa     string `json:"picasa,omitempty"`     // picasa importer.
    Instapaper string `json:"instapaper,omitempty"` // instapaper importer.

Config holds the values from the JSON (high-level) server config file that is exposed to users (and is by default at osutil.UserServerConfigPath). From this simpler configuration, a complete, low-level one, is generated by serverinit.genLowLevelConfig, and used to configure the various Perkeep components.

type Owner

type Owner struct {
    // Identity is the GPG identifier of the user.
    // It should be 16-characters hex (e.g. "2931A67C26F5ABDA")
    Identity string `json:"identity"`
    // SecringFile is the go4.org/wkfs path to the GPG secret ring file.
    SecringFile string `json:"secring"`

Owner holds the search handler's owner configuration.

type Publish

type Publish struct {
    // Program is the server app program to run as the publisher.
    // Defaults to "publisher".
    Program string `json:"program"`

    *App // Common apps and app handler configuration.

    // CamliRoot value that defines our root permanode for this
    // publisher. The root permanode is used as the root for all the
    // paths served by this publisher.
    CamliRoot string `json:"camliRoot"`

    // GoTemplate is the name of the Go template file used by this
    // publisher to represent the data. This file should live in
    // app/publisher/.
    GoTemplate string `json:"goTemplate"`

    // CacheRoot is the path that will be used as the root for the
    // caching blobserver (for images). No caching if empty.
    // An example value is Config.BlobPath + "/cache".
    CacheRoot string `json:"cacheRoot,omitempty"`

    // SourceRoot optionally defines the directory where to look for some resources
    // such as HTML templates, as well as javascript, and CSS files. The
    // default is to use the resources embedded in the publisher binary, found
    // in the publisher app source directory.
    SourceRoot string `json:"sourceRoot,omitempty"`

Publish holds the server configuration values specific to a publisher, i.e. to a publish prefix.

type ScanCab

type ScanCab struct {
    // Program is the server app program to run as the scanning cabinet.
    // Defaults to "scanningcabinet".
    Program string `json:"program"`

    // Prefix is the URL path prefix where the scanning cabinet app handler is mounted
    // on Perkeep.
    // It always ends with a trailing slash. Examples: "/scancab/", "/scanning/".
    Prefix string `json:"prefix"`

    // Auth is the authentication scheme and values to access the app.
    // It defaults to the server config auth.
    // Common uses are HTTP basic auth: "userpass:foo:bar", or no authentication:
    // "none". See https://perkeep.org/pkg/auth for other schemes.
    Auth string `json:"auth"`

    // App is for the common apps and app handler configuration.

ScanCab holds the server configuration values specific to a scanning cabinet app. Please note that the scanning cabinet app is still experimental and is subject to change.

Website layout inspired by memcached.
Content by the authors.